Ethics & Economics Challenge

Spring 2017 Speech Competition at Merrimack Valley High School
Ethics and Economics Challenge (EEC) is a program for New England high school students involving roundtable discussions, free books, and a speech competition in which students can win scholarship money for college. The program introduces students to foundational moral questions relating to business and economic policy, such as “What are rights?” and “How do we know what justice requires?” Students learn economic principles that help them answer applied questions such as “What moral obligations do businesses have?” and “Do ‘Buy American’ programs help Americans?” At the end of the semester, students are eligible to participate in a speech competition on social or public policy, in which they can win scholarship money for college.
Please contact us if you would like to see this program in your school!
2019 Student Essay Contest – available to students throughout New Hampshire!
Past Winners
The winners of the 2019 speech competition at Merrimack Valley High School were Emily Philbrook (first place), Ryan Gotthardt (second place), and Addison Hodge (third place). The winners at The Founders Academy were Nicole Wulf (first place), Connor MacFarland (second place), and Ayah Elrayah (third place).
The winner of the 2018 speech competition at Merrimack Valley High School was Emily Soule. The winners of the 2018 speech competition at The Founders Academy were Liam Childers and Rachel Sanville (tie for first place) and Catherine Hammer (second place).
The winners of the 2017 speech competition at Merrimack Valley High School were Emily Soule (first place), Hannah Gordon (second place), Justis Brown (third place), and John Borger (fourth place). The winners of the 2016 speech competition were Braden St. Jacques (first place), Isabelle Gillibrand (second place), and Maddie Godfrey (third place). The winners of the 2015 speech competition at M.V.H.S. were Isabelle (first place) and Braden (second place).